Young Leaders

Who is a CoreNet Global Young Leader?

Individual practitioners serving the Corporate Real Estate Industry who have a membership in good standing and meet the age criteria of 35 and under.

What is the Purpose of the Young Leader Special Interest Group?

To provide individuals, meeting the above guidelines, with access to the knowledge and experience of industry professionals by means of establishing relationships, promoting continuing education, fostering peer networking, and encouraging volunteer and leadership opportunities that mutually benefit CoreNet Global and its members as well as the Young Leader.

CoreNet Global Young Leader Membership Categories and Fees


Membership Fee
(Calender Year
1 Jan - 31 Dec)

End User Young Leader


Service Provider Young Leader


Economic Developer Young Leader


Full details about membership categories and eligibility can be found here or by contacting Alice Lewis via email

How to Join CoreNet Global

You can join CoreNet Global by downloading and completing the form below.  Returned forms can be sent to Alice Lewis  via

Membership Application Forms 

Membership Application Form – Individual Members 

Sydney Chapter Young Leader contact


Charlee Sharples
Marketing and Branding Manager
Brookfield Johnson Controls